Social Links

Social Links

You can render social links on the About page (layouts/partials/back.html) using a custom data file.

This file must be named data/socials.toml (put it in the data folder) and must contain a array named socials. For example:

# Go to to find available icons.
socials = [
  { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-github", title = "GitHub" },
  { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-x", title = "X" },
  # { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-facebook", title = "Facebook" },
  # { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-instagram", title = "Instagram" },
  { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-linkedin", title = "Linkedin" },
  { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-stackoverflow", title = "stack overflow" },
  # { href = "", target="_blank", icon = "logo-codepen", title = "Codepen" },


Each table (object) in the array can have the following properties.


  • href: The URL of the social link.
  • icon: The name of the icon. You can find available icons here.


  • target: The target attribute of the link.
  • title: The title of the social link.