Light and Dark Mode

Light and Dark Mode

From Dream v3, it uses daisyUI to provide some out-of-box themes to use in light and dark mode.

There are two steps to customize the light and dark mode:

  1. Specify themes for light and dark mode in the hugo.toml:

    lightTheme = "emerald"
    darkTheme = "forest"
  2. And then, open tailwind.config.js in the root directory of Dream, specify the themes you want to use:

    module.exports = {
      // ...
      daisyui: {
        themes: ['emerald', 'forest'], // Specify the themes you want to use.
        darkTheme: 'forest', // Specify the dark theme.
    You must insatll dependencies (pnpm i) before compile the CSS.

    Then run npm run css or pnpm css to compile the CSS.