Advertisements on the site

2025-01-23T18:58:40+08:00 | 1分钟阅读 | 更新于 2025-02-15T22:04:14+08:00

Advertisements on the site

About enabling ads on the site.


I have enabled ads on the site. You can use ad blockers to block them if you don’t want to see them.

In the future, I would also consider placing a switch to turn off ads.

The purpose of placing ads is to gain potential income (since I’m now a freelancer), so if you choose not to block them, I’d greatly appreciate it!

Recently, because of this issue , I started researching how to integrate ads into hugo-theme-dream . So I applied for Google AdSense, and it was approved.

Then I started to write code. After some experimentation, I decided to place the ads on the left side of the post and at the bottom of the post.

In the beginning, I was going to plan to place the ads above or below the TOC of the post. However, after trying it out, I realized that the width of the AdSense ads could not be strictly aligned with the width of the TOC, because the width of the TOC is uncontrollable, and AdSense limits the number of ads that can be placed within the restricted width.

In the future, I will continue to optimize the ads feature. For example, these are some of the things I plan to do:

  • Add a switch to turn off ads
  • Integrate ads seamlessly into the homepage

Finally, I have also enabled ads on my site because I want to gain potential income (since I’m now a freelancer). If you don’t want to see ads, you can use ad blockers to block them. If you choose not to block them, I’d greatly appreciate it!

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